Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Producers and Consumers


Over the past week we've been studying  goods & services, and producers & consumers. To culminate our Community Jobs unit, the students participated in a snack mix assembly line.  

We discussed how a real assembly line is designed to work and how we were going to use the process to produce our own snack mix. Each student had a job either scooping items in the bag (Thank you parents for your donations!), labeling & closing the bags, or team supervisor.  We divided into two teams and tried to see who could produce ten bags first.

The children  had a great time and got a hands-on opportunity to experience being a producer and producing a good. They also got to be a consumer when they took the snack mix home to share with their families.  It was a really fun activity!

Our finished product!

Snack Mix Assembly Line Activity Sheet is available here
Thank you to the Polka Dot Teacher for the inspiration!

One of our consumers....

...and another!
Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

Saturday, October 17, 2015

October Projects

Pumpkin Life Cycle Displays

Super Readers Score Sheet and Adventures in Writing

Parts of a Pumpkin

Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pumpkins, Pumpkins

This week during our current integrated Science and ELA unit, we are learning about plants, and more specifically the pumpkin plant.  Above is a picture of the parts of the pumpkin plant that our students created.  We also made a model of the life cycle of a pumpkin plant, as well as a flip book showing what all plants need to grow!  During the remainder of our unit, we will be using the writing process to describe a pumpkin using adjectives.  Keep an eye out here for more photos to come!
Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal