Sunday, March 23, 2014

What's Happening in Room 23?

 In Science this week, we took a closer look at seeds as part of our plant unit.  The students were given a variety of seeds which we described and compared.  I didn't get photos because I was caught up in what we were doing at the moment.  Their papers will be coming home on Monday. 
Our final Research project is learning more about George Washington Carver.  He found 100s of uses for peanuts.   Above is our investigation paper. 

In Math, we began our Fractions Unit.  In this picture, students are sorting a variety of cards with objects divided into 2 parts.  They had to determine if the object was equally or not equally divided.  We then labeled the objects as 1/2 if the parts were equal.
Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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