Monday, October 28, 2013

Red Ribbon Week 2013

West Side Elementary invites you and your children to support the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention campaign. This year West Side will participate in a Red Ribbon Theme week. We encourage your children to participate and support a drug free lifestyle:
October 28th Smile for pictures and wear you best. Forever you will have a picture of the drug-free you!!!
October 29th Don't let drugs put you to sleep-wear pajamas
October 30th Drugs have met their match/don’t get mixed up with drugs-wear mixed matched attire.
October 31st Give drugs a scare-wear a Halloween shirt or orange and black
November 1st- Trojan Pride runs deep in our veins- wear Trojan Pride attire
Each day your child participates they will be entered to win a prize. A girl will win a make up kit and a boy will win a Nerf football. The drawing will be held on November 1st! Children will be given red ribbons-please wear them proudly all week long!

Mrs. Dryzal

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