Saturday, September 24, 2016

Beginning of the Year Projects

We start our  year with the Getting Along Together program to build a classroom family and learn the expectations of our school community.  After reading A Rainbow of Friends by P.K. Hallinan we  created a rainbow using cut outs of our hands.    

We also read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn and wrote about how we were feeling on the first day of school.  We even made our own Chester Raccoons!

Another story we read about classroom rules and expectations was David Goes to School  by David Shannon.  We wrote and drew a picture of what David should do in school, as well ad did a guided drawing of the character David to practice using our active listening skills.

I have linked the titles of each book to a purchase source in case you'd like to add them to your
library at home.  I do not earn anything from your purchase.  

Thank you for stopping by!  
Mrs. Dryzal

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