Sunday, March 15, 2015

March in Room 23


As part of our Geometry unit, students worked on composing and decomposing 2-D shapes, using different shapes in Math class.   
The book we read as a springboard for our fantasy writing project.
In Language Arts, we were working on writing Fantasy fiction pieces.  We read the book, Square Cat
 by Elizabeth Schoonmaker.  Then we brainstormed about two challenges we would have if we were square, and something good about being square.  We then used our brainstorming paper to compose our fantasy fiction pieces.  Above are our square people.                                                                                                                         


The author of Square Cat enjoyed our work with her book, that she sent us a copy of her new book Square Cat ABC.  We cant' wait to read it on Monday!  We are also now members of Eula's Fan Club!  

On Monday, it was first grade's turn to take part in Mocha Monday.  The students were able to sip cups of Hot Chocolate during our afternoon break.  The smiles on their faces show how much they enjoyed their chocolaty treat! 

Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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