Sunday, March 22, 2015

Learning in Room 23

Last week, we completed our Geometry Unit in Math.  As a final activity we read the book, The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns and then created a shape man or woman, and wrote why we would want to be that shape.  The children were very creative with their ideas.


As part of our St. Patrick's Day activities, Lucky the Leprechaun visited our classroom and brought us magic powder that made Leprechaun pudding when milk was added and we shook it up while singing a special chant.  We read the story The Luckiest Leprechaun by Justine Korman and then wrote about when we feel lucky.  Above is our display and below are two examples of their work. 


In Reading, my leveled group just completed the Reading Roots program.  They will now begin Reading Wings, the program for grades 2-5. The last book we in SFA Roots was Paul Bunyan's Pancakes To celebrate, students wrote a tall tale about a larger than life pet they would have similar to Paul Bunyan's pet, Blue Babe.   As part of the celebration, I made pancakes from scratch, and we had them as a mid-morning snack.  The children really enjoyed them!

Language Arts

In Language Arts, we are working on Research Writing.  This unit we are focusing on Earthworms.  On Friday, students observed a live earthworm and made Venn Diagrams comparing earthworms with people.  Their observations will be used as part of their research writing project.
Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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