Friday, April 11, 2014

The Week in Review

This week we were learning about the three types of energy in Science.  They are Light, Heat and Sound Energy.  On Tuesday, we did the Hershey Kiss Heat Experiment, a freebie on TpT.  The children made a hypothesis about what would happen to the Hershey's Kiss in their open hand and what would happen to the candy in their closed hand.  After 5 minutes, we recorded our results.  You can see in the photo below that the chocolate kiss in the closed hand melted, which was a result of the heat the body produces.  

In Math, we are finishing up our unit on Fractions.  This week we made Fractionpillars, which I still need to photograph, played Fraction Bingo, compared Fractions and did some work with Smarties and fractions.    The children seemed to really enjoy this activity.  Our Assessment will be on Monday.

In Language Arts, we finished our Easter Bunny vs. The Tooth Fairy:  Who Has the Tougher Job? Opinion writing assignment.  Next week, we will be do an Opinion piece based on the story The Easter Egg by Jan Brett. 

We are also working in PATHS on making positive decisions and not letting our emotions cause us to act inappropriately. 

Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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