Monday, October 21, 2013

Writing, Writing and More Writing

We have been very busy in first grade!  We completed our explanatory writing unit with a final project about how to eat an Oreo cookie.  First, we took a tally of our favorite ways to eat an Oreo.  Then we followed the writing process by mapping our steps using the transition words of first, next, then and last, writing our drafts and publishing our work in an Oreo shaped book. 

 I used this free writing project from Teachers Pay Teachers:
Then we learned about Inference.  We used a Mystery Box activity from  The students used the clues around the room to solve the mystery of what was inside our box. 

Several students guessed crayons....
 ...and others guessed gumballs were in the box.  Students recorded the clues and guesses on the paper I modeled after the one at The Inspired Apple. 
 Crayons were in the box! 
Next, we made Frankensteins with a free pattern from Leslie Ann on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Students then made inferences about Frank's favorites using their knowledge of Frankenstein.
Thank you for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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