Saturday, September 28, 2013

Johnny Appleseed Week

On Johnny Appleseed's birthday, Miss Ash read the book pictured above to the students.  Then we did a descriptive writing project about an apple.  We webbed how the apple looked, smelled, tasted, felt, and sounded when we bit into it.  Then did a cloze activity filling in the blanks with words from our web.  After that, we tried two more kinds of apples and created a tally chart of our favorites.  Granny Smith apples won with 15 votes!   We also made a bar graph. 
On Friday, we made Crockpot Applesauce.  During homeroom, the children watched as the apples were peeled, cut and added to the crockpot. Then we added sugar, cinnamon, and a bit of water to the pot.  We stirred the ingredients, then the apples simmered on medium for 4 hours. 
Before we tasted our treat, the students and I did a shared writing of how to make applesauce.  We wrote then illustrated our sentences.  The students really enjoyed the applesauce as you can see...

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Dryzal

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