Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tales with Tails October Visit Pictures

Jack, an English Sheepdog, visited our Writing Class on Friday afternoon.  We did a meet and greet today to familiarize the students with the dogs who will be visiting our classrooms each month.  During the next visit, students will read to our visitor.  They are quite excited for the next visit. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Mrs. Dryzal

Monday, October 2, 2017

Decomposing Numbers

 In Everyday Math Unit 2, students are learning to decompose numbers.  Using the 10 Frame, students discovered the different combinations of 10, as well as decomposing numbers within 10.    You can visit this link for more information about Unit 2 and what students will be learning. 

Thank you for stopping by today!

Mrs. Dryzal

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sharing Our Me Bags

 Students shared their Me Bag contents with the class last week.  Then they each wrote about why the item they shared was special to them.  The students really enjoyed sharing their items with the class.  Thank you for participating in our home/school project!

Mrs. Dryzal